About Us


We’re Wellness-Focused Advisors and Collaborators

Project Relevance is lead by Diane Doster and collection of awesome advisors with diverse skills and aligned values.

We all share a care about advancing innovative products and services that improve the health and well-being of people, plants and profit, without compromise. Collaborating with a diverse and dynamic group of providers, professionals, consumers and funding sources; we help our Project Partners connect, solve and evolve in unique and relevant ways.



What We Believe In



Well-being is the birth and death right of all, regardless of one’s circumstances. We advocate for this to be the easy and affordable option be it through space design, operations or products and services. We also affect the well-being of our shared, natural environment by adopting sustainable and regenerative practices.


Curiosity & Unknowing

Curiosity and unknowing are the source of our innovation and transformation. We celebrate avoidance of “knowingness.” The word “feedback” replaces “failure” to nurture fearless discovery and growing edges. We scream “yes” to what’s possible.


Love & Kindness

Our default approach with ourselves and those we collaborate and connect with is heart-intelligent, respectful and kind. We spread love like grandmother spreads jam. As Rumi says, “Love is the bridge between you and everything.”

mindful communication

Expression, especially the unspoken, is the essence of connection. We express and communicate mindfully with respectful truth.



You don't need to be needed and I don't need you to need me. We co-exist and complement one another's strengths and abilities in a way that works for all. Together we are greater than the sum of our parts.

growing edge

Individual and organizational relevance directs the chlorophyll in our veins. Priorities determine energy allocation for growth, healing or maintaining like the growing edge of a tree. We expand toward ever-becoming.


Start a Conversation

Schedule a complimentary call with us.