Sand Circles


What is a Sand Circle?

Sand Circles™ are “out of the box”, virtual collaboration groups that bring ideal stakeholders together to solve, co-create or advance innovations impacting well-being. Honoring the the “me” and its’ exponential power when part of a “we” is essential to to a Circles success. Metaphorically, like a flock of birds swarming, each is essential to moving in formation or “flow”. If any bird is missing or takes a different path, the group synergy is dismantled. So it goes with a Sand Circle formation. Each person is essential and brings a unique and valuable perspective.


Types of Sand Circles

There are four primary types of Sand Circles as well as a hybrid option:

360 Feedback

Our core advisory team and guest experts with industry and market relevance offer comprehensive feedback and insights to move forward.


Fuel for any engine is essential and whether you’re looking for capital investment, grant monies, or business development support, this circle’s focus is on relevant introductions.


Early innovations or mature companies expanding into the longevity market need proof points or member insights along the way to continue advancing, learning and perfecting a solution. The validation circle is dedicated to optimizing the process with our early adopter and research partners.


Group thinking sparks a synergistic outcome. What problem are you trying to solve and who would you like to solve it with? Collaboration circles hold the space and intent.

If you have an innovative product or program that fits our focus, we would like to explore with you.


Who Joins a Sand Circle?

  • Innovators looking for early adopter partners or funding

  • Early-adopters desiring to be cutting-edge, contribute to relevant solutions and lead the way for others

  • Investors or funding organizations vested in this space

  • Industry professionals looking to co-create program or service or solve a common challenge—in concert with others

  • Subject matter experts offering insights and guidance

  • Researchers capturing results and shape shifting

  • Cross-matrix teams looking to unify


Learn more about Sand Circles

Schedule a complimentary call with us.